Six key behaviors that make a great leader

Six key behaviors that make a great leader

By admin , 8 de May de 2021

In a corporate environment where metrics for success are always changing, the importance of human interaction and connection remains a constant. Empowering people to work together in ways that inspire inclusion, curiosity, and innovation is key to creating a successful environment while encouraging growth and development.


Leaders display a multitude of skills and abilities when managing and contributing to high-performing teams, but there are six common behaviors among the most successful leaders. The Bloomberg Leadership and Talent Development team conducted extensive research across the organization to better understand our leadership, and, in the process, focused on these six behaviors that are practical and applicable at any level. A few of our leaders from across the company have spoken to the value of these traits in audio clips featured throughout this article.


Whether you’re assessing the leadership at your current company or considering your own leadership potential, these behaviors can be helpful tools to both implement into daily tasks and inform larger, more long term career goals.


  1. Develops people to achieve


By supporting and developing fellow team members, you can motivate and encourage growth for everyone — including yourself.  It can be as simple as holding a “rehearsal presentation” to ensure everyone is well prepared before the actual presentation.  If everyone is set up for success, it benefits the whole team and allows everyone to work smarter together. It can also mean ensuring your team members are aware of any key updates that might affect the team project or a project that may not involve you. If you keep others in the know, they’ll return the favor. And if the group is successful, it reflects well on you, too.


  1. 2. Communicates the vision


Leaders know their audience and know how to communicate to them effectively. This often means adapting what you’re saying depending upon who you’re saying it to, and ensuring you’re always presenting your vision in a clear, compelling way.. At a basic level, this can be thinking about who is in your next meeting, how much knowledge they have on the project, why they should care and how they can help you.  Kicking off the meeting and addressing these points will help you have the outcome you intended while motivating your team to help reach collective goals.


  1. 3. Creates a diverse and inclusive work environment


Research shows diversity is good for business, but at a personal level, managing and growing a team with a focus on diversity and inclusivity will allow you to broaden perspectives and skill sets. This means not only listening to different opinions in a meeting, but seeking out other voices and encouraging others to speak up. It’s actively questioning your own assumptions while building a safe environment where differences are recognized, respected and able to thrive. Put simply, it’s joining and encouraging communities or networks that may not be a reflection of who you are.


  1. Adjusts the course

Change is inevitable but growth is optional. In a fast paced corporate environment, it’s key to see challenging situations and unpredictability as opportunities to reassess and pivot. And sometimes, it’s admitting your project needs to move in a different direction or be scrapped altogether. In these situations, having some humility and admitting when you and the team need to head in a new direction can be a key factor in your success. It’s helpful to anticipate issues when you can, monitor progress closely, and readjust when required. Whether it’s new management or a shift in responsibility, being able to embrace a shift in course and see it as a chance to dig deeper and grow will set you apart.

  1. Networks to get stuff done

If you take time to get to know the people you work with and learn what motivates them, they’ll feel the investment and know you genuinely care. Doing so will allow you to build strong relationships and a support system you can rely on, which will be invaluable when you’re facing a deadline and/or need help from a coworker. It can start today by asking someone about how their day is going and taking a minute to listen without any distractions.

  1. Spots gaps and seizes opportunities

Whether you’re working for a startup or a long-established company, you’ll be able to inspire change and drive impact if you constantly embrace critical questioning and seek out opportunities to implement new initiatives and ways of thinking. By seeking to improve the status quo or introduce a new innovative idea, you can cut through ambiguity and hold yourself and your team accountable to challenging goals. It can mean creating a new approach to leading a brainstorm or drafting up an operational plan to work more collaboratively. It’s all about spotting an opportunity and going for it, while demonstrating sound judgement.

Source: Bloomberg, Bloomberg Leadership and Talent Development team (October 13, 2020).

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